Why so many patients decide on implants at doctor Tomasz Zarański?
The highest quality and establishing a good and honest relationship with the patient is crucial for me in the implantology process. – says Dr. Tomasz Zarański – That’s why 90% of my patients are patients on command.
Tomasz Zarański is an implantologist with many years of experience. Expert in dental implantology International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) , Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Oral Implantologie (DGOI) and Polish Implant Association.
He holds the Diplomate title – the highest degree of international implantology skills.
First dentist from Poland accepted for post-graduate Master of Science in Esthetic Dentistry at the prestigious Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). In the field of European aesthetic dentistry they are the equivalent of business MBA studies at Harvard.
Stomatologia to bez wątpienia dziedzina, w której nie można się zatrzymać – dodaje dr Zarański –
Wykorzystuję nowoczesne i innowacyjne technologie w implantologii, protetyce i stomatologii estetycznej, jak DSD – digital smile design – cyfrowe projektowanie uśmiechu.
Dentistry is undoubtedly an area in which you can not stop – adds Dr. Zarański – I use modern and innovative technologies in implantology, prosthetics and aesthetic dentistry, like DSD – digital smile design
Dr Tomasz Zarański gained recognition in an exclusive group of the most esteemed implantologists. It is recommended as a specialist in implantology by the independent organization LEADING IMPLANT CENTERS .
Dr Tomasz Zarański continues to develop his skills and improve his qualifications.
Regularly participates in practical and theoretical courses in the field of implantology, dental surgery, aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics, conducted by the world’s leading authorities, such as Dr. Carl Misch, Dr. Maurice Salama, Dr. K. Valalavis, prof. Ady Palti, Dr. Marius Steigmann, prof. Hurzeller.
I came to the doctor on command, It was a great choice !! The most important thing for me at the first visit was that I did not have to be ashamed of the terrible condition of my teeth. I was treated professionally, after researching and seeing photos, Mr. Tomasz talked to me about the possibilities of treatment and various methods. I felt that I came to a decent doctor and a human- the atmosphere in the clinic is really comfortable and friendly. Also I really like punctuality, there are no delays, the time of the patient is respected. (…) After a few visits, I had already implanted the first two implants in the missing teeth. The calm, self-control and honest conversation of the doctor made that before the surgery I did not feel all the stress, as at the beginning, and the whole procedure took place completely painlessly! Thank you doctor!